Saturday, September 10, 2005

what the hell is this?

today i am at home tending a tender foot. last weekend with jose in town from l.a., along with his lovely loved one tracy, and barb and scott did a lot of walking around the bumbershoot weekend. (i'll post reviews of stuff on my arts/politics/laffs site.) by tuesday i was alternating pain days between the ball of my foot and the bottom of my big toe. today it's more the latter but barb is being nice about getting me stuff and just stern enough to keep me completely off my feet.

so now i am starting a new blog. this is the diary one. not the art or politics or satire one.

this week has featured my first borderline-technical efforts at my internship at bd&a. they're nice people and they go home at night. my time is pretty unstructured right now, and it's a challenge to me to MAKE structure. but i'm trying to learn some i got the one-line time program to work before i went home friday.

but man, this injury is making me crabby. i love to walk and can't. exercise good resolutions (they have a gym at work too) are now on hold. and i have my first physical in a year and a half on wednesday, where i'll come in 20 lb. heavier and my readings probably correspondingly worse. and maybe i can get them to look at this foot, too.

this is also the week the c drive on the upstairs main computer decided to make the clicking noise of imminent oblivion. i tried everything but reformatting, but by wednesday windows wanted nothing to do with it. so i prepared to buy another 300gb and move the new o/s over from some easy download on the h-p site. only--there is no download site! but they'll sell me the cds for 12.08 (the cost of the cd + packaging + $8 mailing, uh huh). then the website didn't like my credit card. jesus lord i try to be a cooperative high-tech man of the ought-oughts. i talk to the tech support on the chat line, not tie up a place in the phone queue. i look for solutions on the internet. but no dice. this also is my fault for not making the backup disks before the c drive crapped out. but in my naivite, i actually believed the c drive would not crap out two years after i bought the computer. joke's on me!

so instead i site here procrastinating paying the bills online and watching those roaring cal golden bears hand the huxxies their canine behinds on a platter. oh joy, this could be a really bad husky year.

i have to decide if i'm going to keep these lowercase letters. muscle memory wants to make caps.

barb: upstairs working on pretty clay things.
cats: murphy asleep on the big brown chair from the guest room, cowboy in a coming-and-going patch of sun.


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